TribalMoto goes face to face with customers

On Saturday 4 June, we joined some lucky stall holders at a great event run by Race and Road in Archerfield to celebrate International Female Ride Day, and  East Coast Female Riders 5th birthday.

As an ECFR sponsor, we were so grateful to be given the opportunity to participate and test out our designs face to face. 

Three weeks prior, the rain set in and the event was postponed. This meant having the full market stall set up in the lounge room for 3 more weeks... of course, that also meant more time to create new designs. There's the silver lining right there.

clothing on 2 racks

Excited for what lay ahead, after a debrief with the family (my labour for the day), off we trotted, 2 cars fully packed with TribalMotoey goodness.

Setting up, we quickly realised the wind was better suited to aggressive drying of washing than a t-shirt market stall, with our carefully placed clothing blowing left, right and centre.

TribalMoto members standing at their market stall

We had some old stuff, and some great new designs on all the usual garments, plus a new off the shoulder top, caps coasters and decals.

People lined up at market stall

Well, what can I say... WE WERE TOTALLY OVERWHELMED by the positive comments and numbers of orders. Everyone loved the designs on offer, and the fact they could choose their design and the type of garment, then have what they wanted made while they waited.

Mother and daughter holding a tee design of a lady motorbike rider

Of course, this meant 4 straight hours of heat pressing... but don't worry, the majority of this time was also spent chatting with familiar, and new faces, keen to see how it all worked and of course, some well overdue catch ups. 

Every now and then, in between the questions from my family on where's this, how much is that, I'd look around to see people looking at the designs and considering what to buy. It totally exceeded my expectations. 

Stressed lady in front of heat press at market stall

Exhausted, but happy we spent the hour long trip home debriefing on what worked well, and of course the things we needed to improve for next time - to make the customer experience easier and our processes quicker.

Pouring a glass of rose and putting my feet up has never felt so welcome.... what a day!

Thanks so much #ecfr and #raceandroad. If it wasn't for you all we would not be the little hustle we are today. 

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  • Michelle Jennett 10:08 AM

    Thankyou so much for the shirt you made for me … great quality and prices … Love it and have had so many compliments about it already .. can’t wait to buy more .. Thank you for letting me watch the process too, so cool watching you put your amazing designs together .. You guys rock ..

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