TribalMoto Travels: Day 2 Riding the wind
What a rush today was, catching the ferry from Queenscliff to Sorento, then riding (or being pushed by the gale force winds) over Arthurs Seat to Rosebud.

As we waited, the wind started to pick up. Lucky for us they consider motorbikes elite, and were were ushered on first. You peasants in cars can just wait.
We headed to the front/back of the ferry with another rider and his pillion.. oh what a shame, another opportunity to share bikie stories lol.
As the cars and people piled in, and the ferry departed, we hung onto our bikes 'as advised'. This would have been a fairly tranquil experience, if not for the plethora of car alarms that kept activating due to the vibration. My desperate hand signals to the passengers above fell on deaf ears.... maybe they thought I was a biker chick? Oh wait...
It was sooo beautiful watching the water, seeing the yachts head out on their own adventures (bit jelly of them I must add), and watching the sea birds looking for their next meal.
The pillion rider was a lady about my age (40ish ;)), who gave up riding due to a lack of confidence. I hoped my adventure inspired her. If it didn't, my excitement may have haha
Before we knew it we were docked at Sorrento. First on, means first off. Little woot. Watch my amazingly smooth and slightly panicked disembarkation below.....
Sorrento was just as crazy busy as the other side of Vic, so we hot footed it around the back of the peninsula, heading past Pt Leo and stopping at Hastings for lunch, where it was so windy the drinks blew over...onto my helmet! I'd now like to point out my amazing skills in backing my new sexy beast.... yeah baby.

As we were leaving a couple came over and said they saw us in Lorne the previous day...I guess we must stick out! Haha...we had a chat about what they rode and shared experiences. They had a small child, so... Yeah... life was different for them now.
We then headed back across the peninsula and over Arthurs Seat on our way to our destination for the night...The wind was INSANE in the afternoon.
Tip for the day: earplugs..... these became essential for sanity on the long stretches.
Being used to being buffeted around on the Street Triple, the Speedmaster did amazingly well and felt solid and safe. At that point, I did wish I had a bigger windscreen! But beggars..... Ya know.
This was my second chance to ride some corners on Betty..... still haven't scraped a peg but I'm not far off I'm sure lol Did I mention I LOVE this bike.
We arrived mid afternoon in Rosebud. One of my favourite places. The main aim was to see my dad, who due to Covid, I haven't seen for over 2 years. This visit was super special and he hasn't changed one bit. Luv Luv....
An amazing steak at McDaids Irish pub with my Dad and our OHs, and a lovely walk home by streetlight in the light rain before tucking the bikes in for the night.
What a bloody great day!
Scare factor: didn't scrape a peg.... didn't stall, all animals survived my approach and... I kept her shiny side up!
Butt factor: I will get out the AirHawk tomorrow... think I might need it.
KMS: 200 - more time sitting on the bike in the ferry than riding it haha Good times.
TribalMoto tee designs:
Thanks for reading/watching :)
ps. look out for day 3's blog.... Rosebud to Wilsons Promontory and a night ride with the kangaroos to Sale... I swear I nearly die several times over..... in my head. lol
pps. if you like the videos, subscribe to our YouTube Channel TribalMoto Travels!