NZ over the ditch tour - Day 5 - Franz Josef to Queenstown
The day of many chucks......and a few drops.
Day 5's forecast was for rain, rain and more rain, so we decided on a late brekky.

It was time…. time to pull out the big guns. When it’s chucking it down, it’s time for the Chux!
Off we headed, with dry hands and high hopes. Yeah ok, I didn't look pretty and these gorgeous lilac Chux gloves were not matchy matchy, but they're the best idea when your waterproof gloves aren't actually waterproof and you are saving yourself for what's ahead!
Andy and Robby also wore the gloves. Of course, I sent them straight to do the washing up when we arrived later in the day.
The pic below depicts the Chux doing their thang.... in torrential rain.
All this precipitation caused mini waterfalls to pop up along one section of road. Luckily the water seemed to carry on under the road into their own drainage system. A very pretty distraction on a gloomy morning.
This part of the day was particularly fun, but its all part of the journey and I increased my rain riding skills. Here's a quick video of how torrential this rain actually was.
Around 30 minutes in, the rain eased and the sunshine made its way slowly into what was turning out to be one of the most incredible day’s riding.
Before hitting the great roads, we stopped to take our gear off. My Dainese waterproof pants were great, apart from the one section of my crotch where the stitching is. Yeah, I had to walk around like that until it dried 2 hours later. haha
Haasta La Vista Baby!
By the time we got to Haast Pass, as planned, the rain had stopped. This, and the ride through Cardrona, was next level. Cardrona lies on the Crown Range Road, a steep, mountainous route between Queenstown and Wanaka.
Amazing sweeping bends at the top, then more full-on twisties as you descend. This ride tested me and I was pretty spent by the end, but suuuper pumped as we made our way down through busy Wanaka. If I could live here and do that every weekend I totally would.
See the TribalMoto Travels You Tube video for how Cardrona looks from a riders perspective!
Curves and avoiding resting cyclists was hard work and we were all pretty tired by the time we got to Queenstown and checked into St James apartments. With the lake beckoning, we dumped our gear, got changed quickly and headed out for an absolutely superb Indian dinner at Bombay Palace, before hopping on a Gondola, which hauled our tired butoolas up the mountain for a spectacular view of Queenstown and surrounds with glass of wine in hand!
Happy day(s). This day was going to take some beating.
Here's some other pics you might like...
L to R: Annya, Annie and Tracey at lake Wanaka.
Our motorbikes having a rest, Lake Wanaka, NZ
I am the first rider, and my shadow is my guardian alien haha. Followed by warrior Tracey and Prince Robby/Princess Annie.
Just some cool peeps riding along Lake Wanaka.